astelehena, abendua 16, 2013

bertsolari txapelketa

Egun osoan aritu dira bertsolari onenak Barakaldon. Amets Arzallus izan da irabazlea, zorionak.

Congratulations Amets, you are the best.

Last week we studied the most important features to write a personal description:
  • height (how tall ?)
  • build, constitution (strong, weak...)
  • colour of hair, eyes
  • nose
  • mouth
  • has he got a beard, a moustache?
  • does he wear glasses?
  • ......
Your task for next Thursday will be to write a description of Amets Arzallus taking into account the features above.( 65-70 words )

osteguna, abendua 05, 2013


Kaixo guztioi,

Sarrera honetan zuek, ikasle irakurleak, agurtu nahi zaituztet.

Bestalde, irakurle amorratuak zaretela dakidanez, hona hemen gazteentzako istorio aproposa...

Piramide Gorria

And now watch this video about the main characters of the story, it's really stunning!